What to Wear to your Boudoir Session: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

Miss R is a planner! When we started hammering out the details of her boudoir experience she asked about outfits. Narrowing down what you will (or will not) be wearing for your sessions is probably the most difficult part of the experience.


Miss R came in for her session from out of state. She lives in Atlanta but was visiting Florida for work. She drove through the night to make it to our Norfolk Boudoir Studio!!! Her drive was filled with insane traffic and she was nearly two hours out when she realized that she had forgotten to pack the outfit that she was most excited to shoot!!!

Hampton Roads Virginia Boduoir Photographer, Virginia Beach Boudoir, Norfolk Boudoir, Chesapeake Boudoir, Virginia Boudoir Photography

This black lace, deep cut, high slit dress is seriously the dress of my dreams!!!

Even better, it was just $12 bucks!!! Yeah, I know. Insane!!!

I don’t blame her for driving back for it! This outfit ended up being my favorite one of them all!


Most of our clients stress about finding the perfect piece of lingerie. So many reach out to me and ask where they even begin. So often, women don’t know what size bra they are wearing (and often, they are wearing the wrong size!) so finding pieces when there are SO many options available can seem like a daunting task!

First, I’m here to say: Don’t stress.


If you are having trouble finding something amazing to wear, I am here to help! I’ll create a custom Pinterest board for your session and save outfits that you can purchase that will flatter your body type.


Second: There are no rules on what you should wear.

Hampton Roads Virginia Boduoir Photographer, Virginia Beach Boudoir, Norfolk Boudoir, Chesapeake Boudoir, Virginia Boudoir Photography

Miss R is an amazing example of just how much confidence transforms any outfit. You can ooze sensuality in a little black dress. Lingerie isn’t a necessity.


Your boudoir session truly is what you make of it!


If you would like to know more about a Boudoir Experience at our Virginia Boudoir Studio located in Downtown Norfolk, fill out the contact form below!


I am here to answer ANY questions you may have about the boudoir process!

May 2, 2019

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Hampton Roads Virginia Boduoir Photographer, Virginia Beach Boudoir, Norfolk Boudoir, Chesapeake Boudoir, Virginia Boudoir Photography
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What to Wear to your Boudoir Session: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

Miss R is a planner! When we started hammering out the details of her boudoir experience she asked about outfits. Narrowing down what you will (or will not) be wearing for your sessions is probably the most difficult part of the experience.   Miss R came in for her session from out of state. She […]

What to Wear to your Boudoir Session: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

Miss R is a planner! When we started hammering out the details of her boudoir experience she asked about outfits. Narrowing down what you will (or will not) be wearing for your sessions is probably the most difficult part of the experience.   Miss R came in for her session from out of state. She […]



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