Miss R: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

Miss R and I met when we were both studying to be sex therapists in Hawaii.

We were drawn to each other through our shared love for sex and and sensuality. It’s amazing to look back over the last 10 years and see just how much we have evolved but still hold our passion within our core being.

Shortly after college, I moved to Virginia and Miss R moved into the jungles of Hawaii to live with some fellow nudists. We kept in touch and I followed her journey, absolutely living through her and loving her adventures.

She worked as a sex therapist for a bit before deciding she wanted to start her own business. Her business allows her to travel all over the globe! I absolutely love watching women follow their passions and live life on their own terms. I LOVE that so many of out clients are fellow entreprenuers, because they understand the daily grind like no other!

During her session we talked a lot about the roles that we play in the lives of those around us. Be it partner, service provider, sister, you name it. We do so much for others and taking a time to stop and treat ourselves is often the last thing on our to do list!

Miss R is an Atlanta local but came all the way over to Virginia for her boudoir session at our Downtown Norfolk Studio! We had a slllight wardrobe hiccup, which you can read about here, but all was well once she arrived!

I truly appreciate our out of state clients SO much, as I know this experience is certainly an investment!

Miss R chose a mix of pieces from our studio closet, as well as her own! All together, everything paired so perfectly to create the vision that we had planned!

Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer. Norfolk Boudoir, Virginia Beach Boudoir, Chesapeake Boudoir, Suffolk Boudoir, Hampton Boudoir, Newport News Boudoir, Richmond Boudoir

Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer. Norfolk Boudoir, Virginia Beach Boudoir, Chesapeake Boudoir, Suffolk Boudoir, Hampton Boudoir, Newport News Boudoir, Richmond Boudoir

Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer. Norfolk Boudoir, Virginia Beach Boudoir, Chesapeake Boudoir, Suffolk Boudoir, Hampton Boudoir, Newport News Boudoir, Richmond Boudoir

Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer. Norfolk Boudoir, Virginia Beach Boudoir, Chesapeake Boudoir, Suffolk Boudoir, Hampton Boudoir, Newport News Boudoir, Richmond Boudoir

If you would like to know more about a Boudoir Experience at our Virginia Boudoir Studio located in Downtown Norfolk, fill out the contact form below!


I am here to answer ANY questions you may have about the boudoir process!

May 21, 2019

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Miss R: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

Miss R and I met when we were both studying to be sex therapists in Hawaii. We were drawn to each other through our shared love for sex and and sensuality. It’s amazing to look back over the last 10 years and see just how much we have evolved but still hold our passion within […]

Miss R: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

Miss R and I met when we were both studying to be sex therapists in Hawaii. We were drawn to each other through our shared love for sex and and sensuality. It’s amazing to look back over the last 10 years and see just how much we have evolved but still hold our passion within […]



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