I skipped last week’s TILT post because honestly, I didn’t think anybody was reading them ๐
But I had a couple of people email me about it, so here you go!
One thing I have been working very hard on for the past month or so is my in home boudoir studio.
I am a perfectionist, and I am obsessing over every single little detail that is going in the studio. It’s a little ridiculous, but it’s how I am.
One thing that I have been struggling with is my personal style.
When I first started my business, I was told that my website was too “dark”. I was told that if I wanted to attract brides and clients, I needed to have a white background and make things “bright and airy”.
Hold up.
Have I ever been the bright and airy type?
The answer is:
Hell No.ย
In high school I was the “goth girl”. I listened to heavy metal and wore spiked dog collars and chains with skulls on them. I was even labeled the goth girl in the yearbook.
This is my sister and I. How we are related is beyond me. But you get the point. I have never really been the bright and airy kind of girl. My sister on the other hand…
So bright and airy doesn’t really define my personal style.
But nevertheless, this thought weighed on me.
And in creating my studio, the thought began pressing down to the point that it was all I could think about.
Is it too “dark”? Is it too “gothy”?
Then I had lunch with a woman I am so happy to call a friend, Leila.
She was the voice that I had been pushing back in my head breaking free.
So what if it’s too dark? It’s me. And it’s different.
And I think this area is needing something a bit different ๐
So here I am. Not bright and airy, but a little dark and with an edge.
And I amย goingย to help you rock your boudoir session.
June 7, 2012
[…] will be honest, I have struggled with designing the studio. Down to the very pillows placed on the […]