This has been a very crazy week. You may have noticed that I didn’t do a TILT post last week. It’s because quite a bit has been going on in the Persinger house, both good and bad.
But a huge thing that has happened is the completion of my client viewing area!
This room was originally just supposed to be for displaying images for my clients.
My desk was set up in the other room (I pretty much took over the house. The formal living room and formal dining room are now reserved for my boudoir studio and client viewing area) and I realized that wasn’t going to work.
Unfortunately, it was two days after my husband went through the trouble of setting it up 🙂
But this works out so much better!
Now the in home boudoir studio will have a ton more room, and the bed will be positioned in the perfect spot for natural light.
I am so thankful for our friends. We had a few sailors come over to help us paint my viewing room the night before a client came over to view her images.
It’s amazing what a bunch of sailors will do if you promise them beer ! We learned a good lesson though. Only give them beer after the job is done 🙂 We didn’t get nearly as much as I had planned accomplished that night.
But in the end, the room is complete!
As you can see, I am a pretty terrible painter.
I am still deciding on furniture for both rooms. I am having a tough time picking out a headboard for the boudoir studio.
But I am happy to say, I have an awesome new spot for you to meet me, pick up your products, and view your images!
The chandelier is going to be painted black as soon as I can figure out how to get it down. Also, the floors are eventually going to be replaced with wood.
There is so much to do, but I am so glad to finally have the room painted!
May 17, 2012
[…] should also say, Chani was the first client to come view her images in my super purple client viewing room I was so stoked to have her […]