I am so excited to share Miss C’s photos! I’ll be honest, while editing I let loose a few squeals when I saw the images. She rocked her session! And I mean, hands down, absolutely incredible!
I don’t know what it is, but I seem to get all of the hot mamas!
Being a mom means you almost always end up putting your family before yourself. When you have your first baby under the age of one, forget about having time to pamper yourself! What I love about Miss C is that she just had her first baby 8 months ago. It always seems like if there is ever a time to celebrate yourself, it is when you least expect it. Miss C had been wanting to do a boudoir session for her husband, but she always ended up putting it off. After a few phone calls, various emails, and a lot of late night texting, her special day was planned 🙂
I am so thrilled that she chose to have her session, and I love that she chose me!
I should also say, Miss C was the first client to come view her images in my super purple client viewing room 🙂 I was so stoked to have her here!
Thank you for allowing me to photograph you C!
Here are some of my favorites from the session.
May 19, 2012
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