My Self Transformation Journey & Boudoir Studio Glam Up

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

I welcomed 2022 with a renewed motivation to refocus my time and energy into people and things that bring a positive light into my world. My self transformation journey included a boudoir studio glam up and I couldn’t be happier with the results! Especially since our Norfolk boudoir studio is such a huge part of my life and has become my very own sensual sanctuary. 

More importantly, my self transformation began when I vowed to invest in myself. To make myself a priority in my life. To love and care for my mind, body, and soul in ways that I had never done in the past.

My journey started by getting real with myself about a lot of things. And then committing to do the hard work needed to elevate myself to the next level.


LeZandra Photography is a Luxury Boudoir Studio in Norfolk Virginia


My Self Transformation Journey & Boudoir Studio Glam Up


Managing my mental health is so crucial when in the studio, because we deal with a lot of heavy topics.

As somebody who has experienced childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, a brutal divorce, and just a general challenging fucking life, working through my trauma is necessary so that it doesn’t swallow me.

I refuse to be a victim of my past. I believe I lived the hard stuff in the beginning so that I can understand how to end cycles and help others heal.

We get through this together 🖤


LeZandra Photography's Self Transformation and Luxury Boudoir Studio Glam Up

This past year has been filled with a lot of personal changes and challenges.

It’s so important for me to hold space for you babes when you recount stories that hit close to home.

Sometimes self care is recognizing when you need help. It’s realizing your limits and knowing you can’t carry on by yourself.

The healer needs healing.

Make sure you are taking care of yourself. ESPECIALLY if you are somebody who takes care of others.

I had spent the last two years in a weird limbo and was eager to break free from the chains and sprint towards my dreams.

My 50+ clients from this year have been giving me LIFE lately!!!

One of the best things about boudoir is that I’m able to meet so many women at different stages of life.

The collective wisdom I have gained over the last 12 years…whew…I feel like I know all the secrets to the universe!

It makes me excited to continue growing, because I see the resilience of women and the strength we possess to make shit happen.

LeZandra Photography is a Luxury Boudoir Studio in Norfolk Virginia


Some of best advice I’ve been getting from my babes:

🖤Live your life for YOU.
🖤Do the things you’ve always wanted to do, even if you do It alone.
🖤Seek the things that will connect you with your passion, even if nobody else gets it.
🖤Spend less time explaining yourself to people you don’t owe answers to.

My amazing clients inspire me in SO many ways. Getting to know them and their stories motivates me to continue on my journey. They have pushed me to dream bigger! They have reconfirmed that boudoir photography helps you to love your body. 


LeZandra Photography's Self Transformation and Luxury Boudoir Studio Glam Up


I am not only creating the life that I want, I am creating the life that I deserve.

My sensual sanctuary is my baby! Not only do I spend more time there than anywhere else; but it is where I feel most creative, passionate, and at peace.

I am always making changes in the studio but this year I decided to make some of the biggest changes! We relaunched Lux In Tenebris Intimates to include adult sex toys in addition to lingerie. We expanded the kink room to include our exquisite spanking bench. And lastly, we have added a freaking Rain Room!! 😆

That isn’t all! After spending much of the last 12 years as a one woman act, I have expanded my company to include a full time team. My dreams and goals of providing my clients with a heightened luxury boudoir experience requires the help of a badass team to assist with this vision.


LeZandra Photography's Self Transformation and Norfolk Boudoir Studio Glam Up


As I am breathing new life into my soul, I am breathing new life into my company and my boudoir studio.

I’m rejuvenating all areas in my life that bring positive energy and with these new changes has come a new mindset.

I have recommitted to my “why” more than ever and I have recommitted to myself in a way unlike in the past.

I’ve never doubted my ability to work hard for what I want. But at some point in the past I had lost sight of what I deserve.

I deserve happiness and peace.

I deserve everything that my heart desires.

And I am going to make it happen for my damn self. And for YOU too!

One thing that I fully believe is that as we punch through those glass ceilings that we hold our hand out and bring our people with us.


LeZandra Photography is a Luxury Boudoir Studio in Norfolk Virginia


I am no longer waiting for life to happen to me. I am making it happen FOR me. And for YOU too!

Boudoir sessions can be transformational and witnessing so many transformations this year has definitely reignited my own self transformation. 

With September being my birthday month, it is the best time to reintroduce LeZandra and LeZandra Photography! We will be unveiling our studio transformation throughout the month. If you are a member of our Babe Cave or a recipient of our newsletter, you will be one of the first to witness these changes.


Are you ready to take this self transformation journey to next level with me?!

Are you ready to finally put yourself first? To finally invest in yourself? To finally give yourself what you deserve in this life?








LeZandra McGinnis is a Norfolk, Virginia Photographer specializing in Boudoir Portraiture and Erotica Photography. LeZandra’s life motto is: Fuck What They Think! And she encourages her clients to do exactly that! She can best be described as a Metalhead, Adventurer, and Whiskey Connoisseur.

LeZandra McGinnis
Owner at LeZandra Photography
P  757.663.7164 

September 15, 2022

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LeZandra Photography's Self Transformation and Norfolk Boudoir Studio Glam Up
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My Self Transformation Journey & Boudoir Studio Glam Up

I welcomed 2022 with a renewed motivation to refocus my time and energy into people and things that bring a positive light into my world. My self transformation journey included a boudoir studio glam up and I couldn’t be happier with the results! Especially since our Norfolk boudoir studio is such a huge part of […]

My Self Transformation Journey & Boudoir Studio Glam Up

I welcomed 2022 with a renewed motivation to refocus my time and energy into people and things that bring a positive light into my world. My self transformation journey included a boudoir studio glam up and I couldn’t be happier with the results! Especially since our Norfolk boudoir studio is such a huge part of […]



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