How Boudoir Photography Helps You to Love Your Body

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

How boudoir photography helps you to love your body…I know, I know. It sounds almost like an oxymoron, doesn’t it?

I totally understand!

SO, SO, SO many of my clients come to me with some type of a negative body image. Some reading this may think, ‘why the fuck would I want to take photos when I hate the way I look?’

I. Get. It!

Especially if you have never had a boudoir photoshoot before, I completely understand where you are coming from. I understand that me telling you that boudoir photography can help you to love your body may not make sense to you…yet!


Boudoir Photography with LeZandra Photography in Norfolk Virginia will help you learn to love your body


Learning to Love Your Body

Boudoir photography is all about stripping down, literally and figuratively. So why the fuck would you want to bare it all?

Well, let me ask you this; are you hiding away in your home all day, every day? Never leaving your house and avoiding all human contact? I doubt it.

Are you standing in front of the mirror at home fixating on your ‘flaws’? Probably.

You are human.

Why we do these things to ourselves, I do not know. But I DO know that we are our harshest critics.

So when you are standing in front of the mirror, you are automatically focused on all the things you hate about your body.

Stop that shit!

The way that you speak to yourself affects your mental health and your body image SO much. Instead of focusing on the negative, focus on what you do love about your body.

What are your assets? What do you love the most about your body? These are the things that I need you to focus on.

This is the first step in learning to love your body.



So, how does Boudoir Photography help you to love your body?


Before your session, I send you a lot of emails helping you to prepare for your boudoir session. This homework is not only to help me get to know you, but it is to force you to delve within yourself and answer some questions you may have been avoiding.

I have said it before and I will say it again…and again…and AGAIN!

“Boudoir is for EVERY body!!”

Do you have a body? Yes? Then guess what, YOU have a boudoir body!



You may look at my portfolio and think, ‘OMG, they look so amazing! I wish that I could look like that.’

And you can! My clients are everyday men and women; mothers, CEO’s, mechanics, healthcare workers, and professionals. They are your neighbors, your friends, your family.

Yes, I know they look fucking amazing! But, they aren’t super models pulled off of the runway during Fashion Week. They are regular people like you and I.

The photos were taken during their boudoir session when they are feeling themselves. They are loving themselves, they are happy, they are feeling sexy. And THAT is what you are seeing in those boudoir photos.

I honestly cannot count how many of my clients have come to me as one person and left completely different!

There is a quote that I absolutely love and I remind myself of it when I am feeling nervous or anxious about something new.

“If it doesn’t scare you just a little, it’s not worth it.”

Before you and I ever meet for your session, you will have asked yourself some pretty heavy questions. These questions are to help me know where I can help you but to also have you ask yourself where you need the help.

There are so many factors that play into the way we perceive ourselves. Sexual trauma, abuse, body dysmorphia, are some of the most common.

Boudoir photography forces you to acknowledge these factors. They are real, and they do affect you….but they do not define you. I am here to help guide you through this. You aren’t alone.


Boudoir Photography with LeZandra Photography in Norfolk Virginia will help you learn to love your body


How Boudoir Photography Helps You to Love Your Body


As I stated before, boudoir photography is all about stripping down, literally and figuratively. Stripping out of one lingerie set into another, creating an entirely new look. Or, stripping out of all of your lingerie and braving it all!

But you are also, and most importantly; stripping out of the weight of everyone’s fucking expectations, opinions, and thoughts of who you should be and what you should look like.


Carrying this weight around is so fucking draining. It’s exhausting and toxic. It has no place in your life, at all.

I know that I mentioned before that my clients weren’t pulled from the runway at Fashion Week. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get the five star treatment and be treated like the badass that you are!



I want you to think of your boudoir session as a sexy self care day.

The day of your boudoir photoshoot is all about you! From the moment you walk through my studio doors, the day is all about you.

You have a team of professionals ready to take care of you. Your professional hair stylist and make-up artist will work with you to create a look that you are happy with. A look that you absolutely love!

Our team is so great about helping you to relax and have fun. Any nerves you had when you walked into the studio are eased once the conversations start flowing.

You and I go over your outfits one last time. Our studio closet is full of lingerie, heels, and accessories that you are more than welcome to check out and use if any of the pieces speak to you.

Once hair and makeup is completed, we walk you to the mirror and you finally get to see the magic of our hair and makeup team! I cannot explain how emotional this unveiling can be. We don’t always see ourselves through other peoples eyes. And our team knows exactly how to bring out your best assets!


Norfolk Boudoir Photographer LeZandra Photography features Ms F sitting in our Honey Birdette Sex Swing while wearing Luxury Lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates.


Learning to Love Your Body Through Boudoir

Learning to love your body isn’t an overnight accomplishment. But boudoir photography can most definitely help you to love your body!

During your boudoir session, I will help to pose you in ways that accentuate your assets. If you have parts of yourself that you don’t feel too comfortable about, I will photograph you in all of the right angles to get the perfect shots.

Your boudoir session is all about you. It is a time for you to connect with your body, mentally and physically. You will come out of your session feeling refreshed and ready to tackle life!

And just wait until you see those images!! When you and I meet for your unveiling, that is where it ALL comes together. The nerves before your boudoir shoot, the transformation during your boudoir session…it all comes together here. When you see your images, it is almost like you are seeing yourself for the very first time. And damn, babe! You look fucking amazing!!!


Boudoir Photography with LeZandra Photography in Norfolk Virginia will help you learn to love your body


It’s Time to Find Out for Yourself

Now, it’s time to find out for yourself how boudoir photography can help you love your body! No more excuses. No more waiting until I do this or that. It is time for you to do something for yourself. It is time for you to take that next step on your self love journey!

Are you looking for something kinky, sexy, and bold? We have just added new dates in October for our Spanking Bench Specialty Sessions!

Join our Babe Cave and hear directly from other babes about their boudoir experiences with me!








LeZandra McGinnis is a Norfolk, Virginia Photographer specializing in Boudoir Portraiture and Erotica Photography. LeZandra’s life motto is: Fuck What They Think! And she encourages her clients to do exactly that! She can best be described as a Metalhead, Adventurer, and Whiskey Connoisseur.

LeZandra McGinnis
Owner at LeZandra Photography

August 29, 2022

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Ms F poses in our downtown Norfolk, Virginia Boudoir Studio during her boudoir session with LeZandra Photography.
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How Boudoir Photography Helps You to Love Your Body

How boudoir photography helps you to love your body…I know, I know. It sounds almost like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? I totally understand! SO, SO, SO many of my clients come to me with some type of a negative body image. Some reading this may think, ‘why the fuck would I want to take photos […]

How Boudoir Photography Helps You to Love Your Body

How boudoir photography helps you to love your body…I know, I know. It sounds almost like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? I totally understand! SO, SO, SO many of my clients come to me with some type of a negative body image. Some reading this may think, ‘why the fuck would I want to take photos […]



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