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Miss A: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

for photographers

I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

One of the things I struggled with the most as I grew up was the fact that I didn’t see women on the magazine covers or tv who looked like me. From my size, to my body, and even my frizzy hair, the representation just wasn’t there. As a little girl, it left me constantly comparing myself to those that I would NEVER look like.

With the passing years, I am seeing more and more women that are making waves by challenging the status quo of beauty. Seeing diversity represented across the board just fills my heart with joy because we are FINALLY starting to show the world that beauty has no universal standard.

As a boudoir photographer, photographing women of so many different backgrounds has helped me love myself more because I see that we truly are all uniquely different and it’s a beautiful thing! When I spoke with her, her story resonated so deeply with me because I know what it’s like to let others voices drown out your own.

When Miss A first call our Norfolk boudoir studio I fell in love with her sweet southern accent. She was so bubbly and warm and it just radiated from the phone.

When she sat down in hair and makeup we talked and got to know more about her. She had us dying laughing!!!

When it came time to shoot, this sweet babe transformed before my eyes.

Let. Me. Tell. You.

I was not prepared for the fire that this babe brought with just one look! As soon as we clicked the first few frames, I knew we were in for one hell of a session!

Miss A had mentioned that she struggled to see herself as sexy versus sweet. What I love the most about her session is just how much she was able to let loose and really connect with the inner seductress that she, as all of us do, has inside. I find that having the permission to be ourselves in all of our feminine power is something that we often never receive due to all that we see around us, as well as the expectations that others place on us.

I love that she was able to step into her power and truly own her inner vixen. She is a badass with a great ass and I love that she pushed through her fears and hesitations to do something that truly changed her LIFE.

“You don’t know how much that session changed my life. It changed me from the inside out and I never want to remember the person I was before that was afraid of her own natural body. You and your team made me feel like I was beautiful. Something I searched for all my life from others. You revealed through a camera lens. I am so grateful.”

-Miss A

“I wanted to feel good about myself. Growing up I was never comfortable in my skin and always felt like I wasn’t in touch with my femininity. As I signed up the the session, I couldn’t believe what I had done! I was about to display everything I’ve been told my entire life to cover up. I did it to prove to myself that I am beautiful in my skin NOW not if I lost ten pounds or changed this or that.”

I was absolutely nervous and terrified because I didn’t believe in myself. I didn’t think I had the ability to make the images turn out alluring and sexy. I was too soft and sweet and that would be seen in the images.

It was incredible and I cannot wait to do it again!

Cast your fears and doubts aside and go for it, sis! You deserve it and I think everyone should feel the way I felt in that moment. It was too fast and over too soon.

November 13, 2019

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Miss A: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

One of the things I struggled with the most as I grew up was the fact that I didn’t see women on the magazine covers or tv who looked like me. From my size, to my body, and even my frizzy hair, the representation just wasn’t there. As a little girl, it left me constantly […]

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