Liz: Virginia Beach Boudoir Photography

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

Liz and I went out for dinner at Outback before her session (hey, I was pregnant and craving steak. Don’t judge.)


Let me just say, it’s a pretty amazing feeling when you meet somebody and you just click.

Especially when you can share inappropriate jokes and your crazy life stories without fear of being judged.

We stayed past closing just talking up a storm.

And I left feeling beyond excited for her session.

Franklin Fitzgerald and I took turns shooting Liz. He rocked video and I rocked the stills.

We were filming for my upcoming promo video, which I am so stoked about!

Her collection of Louboutin’s and lingerie from boutiques in London were enough to make my little boudoir heart swell.

I know this will not be the last time you see Liz 🙂

Here are some of the images I was able to capture while in the midst of filming the promo video.

May 21, 2013

Comments +

  1. Valerie Tynes says:

    These are fab! She’s gorgeous and I love her red hair!

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Liz: Virginia Beach Boudoir Photography

Liz and I went out for dinner at Outback before her session (hey, I was pregnant and craving steak. Don’t judge.) Oh.Damn. Let me just say, it’s a pretty amazing feeling when you meet somebody and you just click. Especially when you can share inappropriate jokes and your crazy life stories without fear of being […]

Liz: Virginia Beach Boudoir Photography

Liz and I went out for dinner at Outback before her session (hey, I was pregnant and craving steak. Don’t judge.) Oh.Damn. Let me just say, it’s a pretty amazing feeling when you meet somebody and you just click. Especially when you can share inappropriate jokes and your crazy life stories without fear of being […]



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