As we wrap up the year, I am looking back at some of my own personal highlights. There is so much work that I haven’t dared to share on Social Media! Traveling to Vegas for WPPI was an experience that literally rocked my world and kicked open the doors to new possibilities.
While there, I experienced my first shooting bay. I’ll be honest, I am not a fan. Something about shooting over other people, trying to grab a shot of such an intimate scene while 15 other photographers attempt the same is not my jam.
BUT being forced to work around others, in a setting I couldn’t control, with a couple I didn’t know, unable to fully control and manipulate the scene was an exercise in forced improvisation.
Plastic bag to the rescue 😘
I enjoyed this shooting bay with Jessica Dervin, a fellow Boudoir and Erotica Photographer!
One of my big goals for 2024 is for our Patreon to exist as my erotic playhouse where we create special sets JUST for our subscribers!
I have a few creative sessions that I need muses for. I plan to offer these to our Patreon supporters first!
These Patreon calls will be exclusive sets at a reduced rate for those wishing to explore further into the erotic side of art!s
Intrigued? I hope so 😈
Want to see more Couples Boudoir Photos? Head to the blog for more couples boudoir experiences!
March 11, 2024
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