Happy 1st Birthday to LeZandra Photography!

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

I am so happy to announce that I have been in business for one year today!!!


This first year has taught me so much about myself and about the world.

I can honestly say that I am surprised to have come so far when juggling both college, fibromyalgia, and a business.

But I have pulled through!

I graduated college  in December (at 20 with honors, might I add ;).

I am on my way to getting the fibromyalgia in check  (and trying to remember to go to my doctor’s appointments!)

And my business, well, it is one of the best things that has ever happened!

When I started this, I was taking seven classes at HPU and I had just been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

Life was hectic and I was stressed beyond belief.

But the craziest thing happened.

Spending almost every waking minute soaking up any piece of photography related information I could find had become so much fun.

Instead of studying or doing homework, I instead focused on improving my skills.

I learned so much online. I put my work out there for others to give me advice.

And man, did I get it!

I had people tell me everything that was wrong with my photos.

I was told to just give up.

They said that I wasn’t going to make it and that I am just bringing the industry down.

I would like to think that I have proven a few people wrong .

Though I still have a million things I still need to learn or improve upon, I look forward to the task.

Throughout this journey, I have made some of the greatest friends. I have met people that I wouldn’t have ever met otherwise. And they have changed me so much for the better.

To those who have stuck by me this past year, I love you. You have given me the support or the honest that I have needed to grow. You have inspired me, taught me, and have made me a better person.

Here are a few photographers that I would like to thank personally, although there are so many that I wish I could list!:

Kimberly Siebert – Thank you so much for the hours we spent on the phone going over my work. You taught me so much!

Harmony Jacobson– Thank you for taking the time to be my mentor. And thank you so much for giving me one of the best things ever, my little Thor.  He has become such an important part of our family.

Bonnie Rose Aherin– You inspired me so much, and really forced me to better myself. You are so talented, and you have one of the best personalities ever. I really enjoyed our time spent together. Have a great time in the UK! I look forward to seeing what you do next.

Ryan Armstrong– Your are definitely my soul sister. You have been there to listen to me complain, and you have encouraged me to continue when I felt like I should just stop. You have such an amazing heart, and you are one of the most positive people I have ever met. You have such a bright future ahead of you. I wish you the best in everything that you do.

Kristen Ewell– You are too awesome! Thank you so much for being there for my first wedding. And thank you so much for helping me afterwards. You just make me smile. You are a spring of knowledge, and I wish I could just sit down and talk shop all day. You have helped me make reason out of things that have confused me. You are such a kind and generous woman, and I am so glad that I met you.

I wish I could go into depth on every single person that has helped me along this journey, but I could not possibly list everybody. So many people have been here for me for support and encouragement.

Thank you all for the great times and fun stories. I cannot wait to return to Hawaii and see some of you again!


February 19, 2011

Comments +

  1. Ryan says:

    You made my heart smile. 🙂 Selfishly, I wish you were still here, but I’m excited for you to move forward cause you’re going to kill it with whatever you do! Can’t wait ’til you come back to visit because I’m not sure about the next time I’ll be vacationing in VA. 😉

  2. alisa greig says:

    i LOVE this post 🙂 congrats on 1 year!! so exciting 🙂 i especially like your acknowledging those that have made a difference in your journey. i know we only met briefly, but i wish you the best lezandra in your business and in your travels!! aloha 🙂 alisa.

  3. Alyssa says:

    It is unreal how mean people can be! I am glad you did not listen to them and just kept pressing forward! I look forward to watching your business grow! I love that you are so passionate about what you do!

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Happy 1st Birthday to LeZandra Photography!

I am so happy to announce that I have been in business for one year today!!! Woohoo!!! This first year has taught me so much about myself and about the world. I can honestly say that I am surprised to have come so far when juggling both college, fibromyalgia, and a business. But I have […]

Happy 1st Birthday to LeZandra Photography!

I am so happy to announce that I have been in business for one year today!!! Woohoo!!! This first year has taught me so much about myself and about the world. I can honestly say that I am surprised to have come so far when juggling both college, fibromyalgia, and a business. But I have […]



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