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Day 14: The water was brown

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

Yesterday I received bad news in regards to our PCS.

I spent the day inside and stressed out.

So I decided to make a coffee date to force myself out of the house.

To the Coffee Gallery it was!

I picked up Ashley and head down there to enjoy an amazing bowl of pineapple vegetarian chili and a soy chai

Mmmm 🙂

Ashley got an Acai berry tea.


After the chili we split amazing chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake.

See why I love it there?


We head out to one of my favorite beaches to hang our afterwards.

I love Ali’i beach because it is usually pretty empty and it is very close to me.

Since it’s surf season, there have been quite a few people there though.

Ashley and I hung out for a while, and I snapped random photos, including this one of my Shootsac.

This thing is amazing!

The shoulder pad is a must, but it makes my lenses feel as light as air.

I just need to figure out how to keep sand out of it 🙂


There were plenty of surfers out today.

The water looked like a massive oil spill had taken over.

This is just the result of the huge downpour that Hawaii has been experiencing.

It was such a different view than the beautiful blue waves that I am so accustomed to seeing.

I decided to shoot in black and white because the brown water was getting me down.

And Ashley became my model while testing out different ways to achieve sharp photos.

I have tremors and my hand has been cramping a lot lately, so it makes it a bit difficult to hold my camera steady.

Thank you fibromyalgia 🙂

I hope to get on a regular medical routine when I get to VA.

I have the bad habit of skipping out on my doctors appointments because I get so busy.

But 2011 is the year to take charge!

Anyways, here is my photo for the day.

One thing I love about living here is seeing the passion and dedication people have.

It’s also great to see people so in touch with nature.

I am always amazed with surfers and I would love to learn how to at least stand on a board one day.

It really is something that brings people together.


January 15, 2011

Comments +

  1. […] literally poured down an ocean onto our heads. As a result, the ocean was brown, brown, brown. (Seriously, I even blogged about it) It was […]

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Day 14: The water was brown

Yesterday I received bad news in regards to our PCS. I spent the day inside and stressed out. So I decided to make a coffee date to force myself out of the house. To the Coffee Gallery it was! I picked up Ashley and head down there to enjoy an amazing bowl of pineapple vegetarian […]

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