One Year Later: Miss A’s Divorce Self Reclamation Norfolk Boudoir Experience

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

I first met Miss A several years ago when friends of hers came into our Norfolk Boudoir Studio for their couples bouodir experience. The inital pull to have a session was strong, but she talked herself out of it for years and years.


The time to dive into her own sensual self exploration came about after a big life transition. She and her husband decided to divorce and it was in this moment that she found she needed to do something that she had always wanted to do, for HERSELF. 

She recentl shared that her boudoir experience had been a sort of life catalyst and a kickstart into her next evolution. I wanted to touch base with her and see JUST how impactful the experience was now, as she looks back to last year.


It’s amazing how small shifts in how we choose to celebrate and honor ourselves has a ripple effect.

By choosing to do something she had always wanted to do, but never felt she could, she became more emboldened to make choices for herself.


She moved to a new state, got a job she loves, and found a partner to explore and adventure with.

Miss A sits on a leather throne surrounded by smoke in our Norfolk Boudoir Studio

You had reached out about a session several years before you finally took the plunge. What was the moment that made you realize NOW was the time?

I had just gone through a major life change in the decision to get a divorce, and I had been putting a lot of work into myself, not only physically but mentally as well. and it sort of was the final step in me “loving myself” and not doing it for anyone else BUT me made it that much more special.  




Miss A was going through a major transformation in her personal life – a divorce from her partner of 12 years. Having been through a similar change, I understood her desire to create autonomy for herself. It’s so easy to lose ourselves to marriage, to motherhood. A boudoir session was the perfect remedy for Miss A to get back in touch with herself.



Leading up to this session, Miss A had been following me on social media. Over the years I have carved my own way in this world, so when people come to me our vibes are already strong.


Did you have any nerves or worries heading into your experience?

Honestly, not really. I felt like I knew Lezandra, I had been following her for years, so I knew I was in good hands. 

Finally meeting you in person blew my expectations out of the water. You are such a beautiful soul, and a bright light for women’s empowerment. 


How did you feel during your session?

AMAZING!!! If I could recommend anyone going through a life transition to do one thing it would be a session. not only do you feel like you’re hanging out with one of the most genuine people, but you feel so empowered and so damn sexy. 




I strive to make you feel like a movie star during your session. You may be going through body image issues or dealing with low self-esteem, but we start with pampering so you feel cared for and special. Miss A needed some TLC after all that heavy personal work! She blew the session out of the water.

When you saw your images, what was the first thought you had?
I felt like a badass! So damn sexy and powerful, and I knew the moment I saw those images that I would never expect anything other than extraordinary love for myself ever again. 
I cried on my way home after my reveal because I felt like for the first time someone had really seen me, and Lezandra was able to capture that in her art.


I mean, she actually blew it out of the water. A wet t-shirt look is always hot, but you can almost feel the tension draining out of her in these pictures. Miss A had been second guessing herself so much but she came out of this experience knowing so much more about herself and feeling like a badass!!

Now that you have made these life transformations, how has your experience inspired your confidence?
well, aside from feeling super fine, it made me realize all that I bring to the table as the woman that I am and with the self work I have put in. It made me start saying No to things that didn’t absolutely excite me. 


Invest in yourself. It’s worth it. We can have so many voices in our lives telling us that we aren’t attractive enough, or smart enough, or working hard enough, or just enough. But look at her smile, the light shining from within!!!


How often do you look at your images? 
ALL THE TIME !! Now that I have a new partner, we recently moved in together and i recieved my images on a USB so I got some blown up for our walls in our bedroom! We actually added some colored lights above one of them, and I truly feel like an art display! 

I am here to tell you are MORE than those lies and doubts – you are a badass babe who can be exactly who want to be. Remember – fuck what they think! I will help you see you through my lens, and I get the best shots.


Do you feel your confidence carried into other aspects of your life?
Absolutely.  Being empowered to be my true self, has made me show up more authentically in my career and relationships. 

You deserve to celebrate these chapters in your life. As women, we are so often trying to fit ourselves into these imaginary boundaries that society has set for us. There are outdated cultures that would have us believe benefit us all uniformly. Miss A left this session feeling like she had come back to life! She is in charge of her path now, and she’s rockin’ it.

What would you have to say to another woman going through a life transition that may be on the fence about how a boudoir experience could help them?
Don’t hesitate for one more second. Mortgage your house if you have to ! haha I mean don’t do that but seriously, you need this for you. 

We all have these moments where we are stripped down to the raw power that lives inside of us. Can you see how Miss A she is? She felt like she needed to hide when she first walked into the studio.


She strutted out of there knowing her worth, and proving yet again that a boudoir shoot can help you find self-love. Do you love Miss A’s boudoir photos as much as I do? Book your Norfolk Boudoir Photo Session with me today!

Is there anything else we didn’t cover above that you would love to share with us about your experience now that it’s a year behind you?
Only that whenever Lezandra is ready for a vacation she can come to Florida and shoot me on the beach next ! haha 

Seriously, I cannot thank you enough for everything you have given me. 


Visit the Babe Cave to connect with bad ass babes just like you!

October 10, 2023

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One Year Later: Miss A’s Divorce Self Reclamation Norfolk Boudoir Experience

I first met Miss A several years ago when friends of hers came into our Norfolk Boudoir Studio for their couples bouodir experience. The inital pull to have a session was strong, but she talked herself out of it for years and years.   The time to dive into her own sensual self exploration came […]

One Year Later: Miss A’s Divorce Self Reclamation Norfolk Boudoir Experience

I first met Miss A several years ago when friends of hers came into our Norfolk Boudoir Studio for their couples bouodir experience. The inital pull to have a session was strong, but she talked herself out of it for years and years.   The time to dive into her own sensual self exploration came […]



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