Portlandia Part 2/4: The Unplugged Vacation

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

Day Two

We happened to be visiting Portland during an unusually hot time. Which ended up being perfect, because we spent the hottest day on the water.

We drove to Washington to do some white water rafting. P had no idea where we were headed. I gave him an address and he made sure we arrived safe and sound. This entire trip was a surprise, and I made it a point to not tell him where we were going. As soon as we crossed into Washington state he began to put the clues together and it wasn’t long until he realize what we were doing!

During the drive I could not stop exclaiming just how in love I was with the area. We drove past waterfalls, forests, and rode along the coast. It was truly one of the most peaceful experiences of the entire trip.

Janis Joplin serenaded us and I warmed my toes on the dash.

The nostalgia was real.

Roadtrips have always been one of my favorite things to do. I love traveling to new places, blasting my music with the windows rolled down. It reminds me of the many drives I would take along the winding country roads in Arkansas. While I don’t miss living there, I do often miss being able to just jump on the road and soar down for miles without any worries about traffic.

We arrived to meet our white water rafting crew. They were the fucking best.

I’m not going to say that the trip had us reconsidering our career choices, but who could pass up making a living taking new friends down a river full of surprises?

We took some time to walk along the river and enjoy the views. We learned quite a bit about the area and the impact that the dams had on the wildlife in the region. We rafted down the White Salmon river, a tributary of the Columbia River, which has been designated wild and scenic. The river has been experiencing a rebirth of sorts now that the damn has been removed in efforts to restore the local fish and wildlife population.

I loved learning about the conservation efforts in the region. Something I spend a lot of time doing with our kids is educating them on the impact of humans on our Earth and I enjoy learning about different regions and conservation efforts.

It wasn’t before long that we were off!

We rafted down the river, stopping to jump off of a small cliff.

I would have done it twice if I was’t so worried about losing my contacts! I am blind and that would have been a fun and sightless journey down the rapids!

We also stopped to drink the fresh glacial runoff. The river is created from the melting Mt. Adams glacier.

The journey down the river was the perfect mix of peaceful and exciting. I didn’t kick myself for not having a camera out during the entire trip, but this was one experience that I wish I had packed some gear for! I wish I would have packed my GoPro to capture the true beauty of the ride.

Thankfully the crew had a professional photographer there to capture us going down the rapids!

He was able to capture us going down this 10 foot waterfall. Talk about a thrill!

Nothing will shock your sense quicker than plunging headfirst into a waterfall and falling out of your raft!!! Thankfully our fellow rafters were able to pull us back in the boat quickly before we hit our next rapid!

We headed back to Portland after our rafting trip to meet up with the amazingly talented Kara and her husband Gary!

Kara is an incredible boudoir photographer based in Portland that I connected with several years ago (it feels like a lifetime!!!) in a boudoir Facebook group. I saw that she was a fellow metalhead and I was so happy to finally meet another female boudoir photographer who shares a similar taste in music!

It has been so amazing watching her grow as an artist, and also grow in life! She is such an amazing mama and she has grown so much in her art and her business! It was so great getting to finally meet her in person and connect! I also loved meeting her husband and getting to know him better! It don’t often meet other metalheads in Virginia, so whenever I can, it is always such a treat to be able to talk about something we are all passionate about!

When Kara suggested we do dinner at The Sapphire Hotel I was all about it!

Just read the description and you will know why:

“In the early 1900’s, the Sapphire was inhabited by sailors, travelers and ladies of the night, lending it to be known as a shady hotel and brothel in southeast Portland. They rented rooms by the week, night or hour while spending long nights in the lobby drinking, laughing, eating, talking and kissing. Aside from entertaining one another, you could count on the presence of a mystic, traveling musician or a handful of gypsies to lend some fun and adventure to your night.”

After dinner we headed to something that EVERYBODY that visits Portland must experience:


P had no idea where we were going after dinner, so seeing the expression of pure shock and excitement when we walked in was so perfect!!!

Upon entry we were greeted with a gal on stage singing while the dancers performed around her. We watched as the dancers did all sorts of twirls, flips, and killer floor work around the courageous karaoke stars!

It was seriously one of the most amazing shows ever!!!

I LOVE karaoke and I love strippers, so it was seriously the perfect mix!

I loved how diverse the dancers all were. Each brought such a different energy to the stage! It was also cool to see just how insanely talented they all were! Kara mentioned how all of the dancers had to be top notch because there is a lot of competition in the area. Did you know that Portland has the most strip clubs in the area?! I didn’t realize this until I started looking up things to do in the area!

It was a great way to unwind after an exciting day on the water! My only regret is that we didn’t jump on stage to sing!

August 23, 2019

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Portlandia Part 2/4: The Unplugged Vacation

Day Two We happened to be visiting Portland during an unusually hot time. Which ended up being perfect, because we spent the hottest day on the water. We drove to Washington to do some white water rafting. P had no idea where we were headed. I gave him an address and he made sure we […]

Portlandia Part 2/4: The Unplugged Vacation

Day Two We happened to be visiting Portland during an unusually hot time. Which ended up being perfect, because we spent the hottest day on the water. We drove to Washington to do some white water rafting. P had no idea where we were headed. I gave him an address and he made sure we […]



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