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Mx D’s Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience

for photographers

I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

Every client is so, so special to me. It means so much that people come to our downtown Norfolk boudoir studio and open their hearts to this experience. Mx D visited us a couple years ago to model for our Lux In Tenebris Lingerie Line. We wanted to create an inclusive, representative lingerie brand and put a call out to all of you babes to model! Here are a few photos from Mx D’s Norfolk Boudoir Photography experience!

Mx D models plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates during their downtown Norfolk Boudoir Photograpy experience with LeZandra Photography


Read below for some of their thoughts about their experience.


Why did you decide that you wanted to do a boudoir session?

Because I wanted to step even more out of comfort zone!

Sensual Boudoir Photography with LeZandra Photography in Norfolk, Virginia. Mx D models plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates during their downtown Norfolk Boudoir Photograpy experience with LeZandra Photography Mx D models plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates during their downtown Norfolk Boudoir Photograpy experience with LeZandra Photography Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience with Mx D and LeZandra Photography Mx D models plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates during their downtown Norfolk Boudoir Photograpy experience with LeZandra Photography

What made you decide to hire me as your photographer?

I’ve followed LeZandra’s IG page for a few years and I remember telling my partner that someday I hope to work with her and have her photograph me.

Mx D models at downtown Norfolk Boudoir Photography studio with LeZandra Photography. Mx D models plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates during their downtown Norfolk Boudoir Photograpy experience with LeZandra Photography Boudoir photos of Mx D during their Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience Boudoir Photographer LeZandra Photography in Downtown Norfolk,. Virginia.



How were you feeling before your shoot? Any thoughts going through your head?

I was feeling indifferent. Excited but unsure of the unknown.

Mx D models lingerie at LeZandra Photography during their boudoir session. Mx D modeling during their boudoir photography session with LeZandra Photography in Virginia Beach, Virginia Mx D models plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates during their downtown Norfolk Boudoir Photograpy experience with LeZandra Photography

How did you feel about having your hair and makeup done?

Amazing!!! That great asset. It takes all the stress away.

Mx D models plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates during their downtown Norfolk Boudoir Photograpy experience with LeZandra Photography Mx D wears sensual lingerie during her boudoir photography session at LeZandra Photography in Virginia. Mx D models plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates during their downtown Norfolk Boudoir Photograpy experience with LeZandra Photography

Now that you’ve had your own photo shoot, how was it?

No words can ever describe of doing a photo shoot all about yourself. It’s an experience that everyone should have.


Mx D Modeling the Virginia Guipure Plus Size Lingerie Collection at Lux In Tenebris Intimates During Their Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience

Boudoir photos of Mx D modeling plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates at LeZandra Photography in Norfolk, Virginia. Mx D models plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates during their downtown Norfolk Boudoir Photograpy experience with LeZandra Photography Sensual photography in downtown Norfolk Virginia with LeZandra Photography Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience with Mx D modeling plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates Mx D during their Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience modeling plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience with Mx D modeling plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates Boudoir is for every body at LeZandra Photography in Norfolk Virginia Mx D at LeZandra Photography modeling plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates during their norfolk boudoir photography experience Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience with Mx D modeling plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates Norfolk Boudior Photography Experience with LeZandra Photography

What would you say to someone considering doing a boudoir shoot?

DO IT! Please dear god, DO IT!

Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience with Mx D modeling plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates Plus Size Boudoir Photography in downtown Norfolk Virginia with LeZandra Photography Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience with Mx D modeling plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates Mx D wears Plus Size Lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates during their Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience with Mx D modeling plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates Plus Size Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience with LeZandra Photography Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience with Mx D modeling plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience with Mx D modeling plus size lingerie from Lux In Tenebris Intimates


Book Your Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience Today

Are you afraid you aren’t/can’t be sexy enough to do a boudoir shoot? Let me prove you wrong. Shoot me a message using the contact form below and let’s get you scheduled for your Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience!






LeZandra McGinnis is a Norfolk, Virginia Photographer specializing in Boudoir Portraiture and Erotica Photography. LeZandra’s life motto is: Fuck What They Think! And she encourages her clients to do exactly that! She can best be described as a Metalhead, Adventurer, and Whiskey Connoisseur.

LeZandra McGinnis
Owner at LeZandra Photography

June 6, 2022

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Mx D’s Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience

Every client is so, so special to me. It means so much that people come to our downtown Norfolk boudoir studio and open their hearts to this experience. Mx D visited us a couple years ago to model for our Lux In Tenebris Lingerie Line. We wanted to create an inclusive, representative lingerie brand and […]

Mx D’s Norfolk Boudoir Photography Experience

Every client is so, so special to me. It means so much that people come to our downtown Norfolk boudoir studio and open their hearts to this experience. Mx D visited us a couple years ago to model for our Lux In Tenebris Lingerie Line. We wanted to create an inclusive, representative lingerie brand and […]



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