Miss N: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

When women contact me about having a boudoir session, they are often planning to use their images as a gift for their partner. More often than not, they admit that it truly is a gift for themselves. Their partner will receive the images as a bonus, but the experience of feeling empowered is theirs and theirs alone.

I strongly believe that is how it should be.

In the end, this experience is yours and yours alone.

Miss N came in for a session after deployment. Her friend had just had a session with me and she wanted to try it out.

From the moment she walked in, I knew we were in for a great time!

She came in ready to roll! We spent hair and makeup dancing, laughing, and talking about life lie we had known each other for years!

While she was nervous as hell, she was equally excited and so ready to rock it!

She thought she was going to be awkward. She said she has a hard time being serious and was worried she would be laughing too much or looking terrified. But as soon as we started shooting, all of that went out the window!

Miss N is such a beautiful example of strength and love. She is an amazing mama to one beautiful girl and she is handling her demanding intelligence career and single parenthood like a boss. She as a heart of gold and she never fails to have my cheeks burning with laughter!

We have since shot another session (and I cannot wait to share!) but I still absolutely love this one and I know she does as well!

She has reminded me in the months since our shoot that it was immensely helpful to her self care. She regularly looks back on her images as a reminder of her beauty, her worth, her strength, and her courage.

She is a force to be reckoned with. She has such a dope soul and an ass to match!

I am so happy that I met her and I’m so happy to have her in my life!

October 23, 2018

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Miss N: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

When women contact me about having a boudoir session, they are often planning to use their images as a gift for their partner. More often than not, they admit that it truly is a gift for themselves. Their partner will receive the images as a bonus, but the experience of feeling empowered is theirs and […]

Miss N: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

When women contact me about having a boudoir session, they are often planning to use their images as a gift for their partner. More often than not, they admit that it truly is a gift for themselves. Their partner will receive the images as a bonus, but the experience of feeling empowered is theirs and […]



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