One thing I firmly believe is that ALL people are beautiful.
We often preach self love and say “Real women have curves” but that is bullshit.
ALL women are real women.
You cannot champion for self love and body acceptance while in the same sentence putting others down.
I often have clients that come in feeling self conscious because they don’t feel they have curves. They worry they won’t photograph well because they don’t have a D cup. They don’t feel feminine because they don’t fit society’s standards of what a woman should look like.
There are so many ideas of the perfect body out there.
It has taken me 26 years to love and accept the body that I have for what it is. Do I want to change things? Of course. But I have also come to love myself and my body because it has carried me through hell and back.
Miss M came in for her session cloaked in her own insecurities. She wanted to create a gift for her boyfriend, but more importantly, she needed to feel confident and empowered.
Miss M was nervous and was pushed so far out of her comfort zone.
However, as we worked through her session, a her inner seductress emerged.
She completely took charge and owned her sexuality. We had chills at the end because the transformation was so incredible.
I am so excited to share Part Two of Miss M’s session!
December 11, 2016
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