Miss K Part One: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

When Miss K walked into the studio, she seemed nervous and a bit shy. She seemed so sweet and innocent.

We began sorting through her outfits and saw that she had brought some personal items to add a little touch to her session.

In her bag was a large gold skull. I was so excited because I happen to have the exact same one in silver! She also made sure to bring me some Jack Daniels. Between the skulls and bourbon, I knew we were in for an amazing time!

While she sat down in hair and makeup we joked that she seemed so sweet and innocent but was probably covered in tattoos underneath her long sleeves.

“Actually, I have a half sleeve!” she responded.

She is the perfect mix of sweetheart and badass.

We bonded over Rob Zombie and our shared struggles of having to put on a public persona so different than our inner selves.

I LOVE photographing Miss K so much and I am so excited to share Part One of her session with you!

August 22, 2017

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Miss K Part One: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

When Miss K walked into the studio, she seemed nervous and a bit shy. She seemed so sweet and innocent. We began sorting through her outfits and saw that she had brought some personal items to add a little touch to her session. In her bag was a large gold skull. I was so excited […]

Miss K Part One: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

When Miss K walked into the studio, she seemed nervous and a bit shy. She seemed so sweet and innocent. We began sorting through her outfits and saw that she had brought some personal items to add a little touch to her session. In her bag was a large gold skull. I was so excited […]



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