It has been a while!

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

I have been super behind on blogging but with good reason!

February and March have been very busy months!

And I am so so thankful to all of my awesome clients who have kept me busy!

Yesterday I had my very last Unveiling before maternity leave.

I will admit, it is a bit bittersweet to have to turn away clients. I am so thrilled to be at a point in my business where I can do so. And I know that the photographers I have referred you to are amazing and more than capable of helping you out!

Today marks 20 more days until Baby P makes their entrance!

Although, my body is making me think this baby wants to enter a bit earlier than expected.

So we have been sure to get the nursery prepared just in case!

Our Star Wars themed nursery is progressing slowly. It is seriously hard to find gender neutral Star Wars gear!

Our goal was for the room to be like Endor, which explains the bright green. Although we were totally not planning on it being as green as it is!

That handsome dog you see hanging around, that’s Thor. Our (soon to be) four year old Labrador whose head is almost as big as his heart.

I’m not going to lie. He’s fucking cute. So of course I had to include photos of him helping us set up the nursery.

(He had just spent four hours at the doggy park so he passed out halfway through us setting up the crib)

Now that I am no longer shooting I will be spending time updating the blog, the website, and preparing for motherhood!

Also, I have to share because I love these so much!

I am so thankful for Amanda at Kimberlin Gray Photography! We are working on a maternity progression series. Here is week 35. Tomorrow we will do Week 37!


March 14, 2013

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the latest

It has been a while!

I have been super behind on blogging but with good reason! February and March have been very busy months! And I am so so thankful to all of my awesome clients who have kept me busy! Yesterday I had my very last Unveiling before maternity leave. I will admit, it is a bit bittersweet to […]

It has been a while!

I have been super behind on blogging but with good reason! February and March have been very busy months! And I am so so thankful to all of my awesome clients who have kept me busy! Yesterday I had my very last Unveiling before maternity leave. I will admit, it is a bit bittersweet to […]



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