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Embracing Your Sexuality: Hampton Roads Boudoir Photographer

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

Sexuality is a topic that has always fascinated me. When I was in high school I decided that sex therapy was the direction that I wanted to take my life. While in college I started my photography business, and life took a new turn. But sexuality still plays a major role in my life and how I run my business.

For me, boudoir is so much more than beautiful pictures. Boudoir sessions are an experience meant to awaken your sensuality and put you in touch with feelings that you never knew you had, or feelings that have diminished through the daily trials of life. I want you to reclaim your sexual power and identity in a world that dictates that women remain modest. I want you to feel empowered through owning your body and sexuality in a space that is free from judgement and full of support and encouragement. Will you get beautiful pictures? Yes. Because you are a beautiful person. But we are going to push past this and truly embrace what lies deeper than the surface.

One evening, I was on a call with Denise and the Stripped Down group. We were discussing sexuality and why some boudoir photographers felt hesitation when posing their clients in ways that evoked passion and pleasure. It broke my heart to hear that these photographers felt so out of touch with their sexuality and were unable to express it to their clients. I have personally gone on a huge journey in regards to my own sexuality. As a wife, a mother, and a young woman, there have been so many experiences that have shaped and altered my views of myself and my sexuality. Having a boudoir session truly helped with breaking through some of these barriers.

I am a huge supporter of the Stripped Down method. My degree is in Psychology and being able to express emotion in images is so crucial to me. I’ll be speaking among some incredible leaders in the boudoir industry at WPPI this March. I will be exploring sexuality and the roadblocks that we experience when it comes to expressing and embracing our sexuality. We will go over ways that we can overcome our own personal biases so that we can give our clients the best experience possible.

I hope to see you there!

LeZandra Persinger WPPI

To learn more about the Stripped Down method and the other speakers at the Stripped Down booth, be sure to check out this link! 

If you’re planning on attending WPPI this March, be sure to stop by the Stripped Down booth and see these amazing speakers!

Monday March 7 @ 10am: The Boudoir Album
@ 11am: Jana Roller – Using Stripped Down to increase your sales
@ 1130am: Stripped Down Boudoir Demonstration
@ 230pm: Christine Tremoulet – Blogging Boudoir Brilliantly
@ 245pm: Stripped Down Boudoir Demonstration

Tuesday March 8 @ 1030am: Jennifer Williams – The Business of Boutique Boudoir
@ 1130pm: Stripped Down Boudoir Demonstration
@ 1pm: Stripped Down Boudoir Demonstration
@ 3pmLacy Hammack – Volume Boudoir Studio

Wednesday March 9 @ 145: LeZandra Persinger – Embracing your Sexuality
@ 230pm: Stripped Down Boudoir Demonstration

February 26, 2016

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Embracing Your Sexuality: Hampton Roads Boudoir Photographer

Sexuality is a topic that has always fascinated me. When I was in high school I decided that sex therapy was the direction that I wanted to take my life. While in college I started my photography business, and life took a new turn. But sexuality still plays a major role in my life and […]

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This badass community of womxn exists to inspire self love, promote sensuality, and celebrate sexuality 🖤 Come as you are. Leave your judgements at the door.

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