Day 5: Today’s Temperature

for photographers

I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

I have been absolutely terrible about posting days 2-4.

But I have been a combination of busy, very busy, and more busy this week!

On Saturday I went out with a group of fellow photog ladies to listen to 80s music.

It was awesome.

Especially since my days and nights are normally spent drinking tea, working, and hanging out with my dog Thor.

I know, my life is exciting!

It was great to get out and dance my ass off! Although I ended up paying for it the next day. This preggo woman has not fully adjusted to shakin it with a baby in tow!

But I am happy to say that Baby P loves Billy Idol as much as I do 🙂

So far this week has been spent editing photos and making updates to the studio with the help of my lovely friend Leila of Seriously Sexy Boudoir.

I have been working to make the sets in here easier to transition to and I am adding a makeup and hair station for getting ready!

I’m so excited!!!

Anyways, here is my Day 5 entry.

Today’s subject was temperature. Yesterday it was a sunny 70 degree day in December. Today, not so much 🙂 I am still hoping for a white Christmas though!


December 5, 2012

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Day 5: Today’s Temperature

I have been absolutely terrible about posting days 2-4. But I have been a combination of busy, very busy, and more busy this week! On Saturday I went out with a group of fellow photog ladies to listen to 80s music. It was awesome. Especially since my days and nights are normally spent drinking tea, […]

Day 5: Today’s Temperature

I have been absolutely terrible about posting days 2-4. But I have been a combination of busy, very busy, and more busy this week! On Saturday I went out with a group of fellow photog ladies to listen to 80s music. It was awesome. Especially since my days and nights are normally spent drinking tea, […]



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