Recently somebody told me that I barely post photos of myself.
They were surprised when they saw me because they didn’t know what to expect.
I am so guilty of not posting photos. I am seriously insecure. It’s ridiculous.
But my goal is to get over that. So here I am!
Both photos by Valerie Demo Photography 🙂 She did our Pre Deployment and Homecoming photos and I love them!
We only have one body, why waste our time in it hating it?
So here are 20 things about me:
- I am a bit of a geek. I spend my Saturdays playing Dungeons and Dragons. If I’m not editing or working, I am most likely playing video games (lately, a ton of Skyrim!)
- My dream is to be a sex and marriage therapist working with military families. I received my BA in Psychology from Hawaii Pacific University in 2010. I have taken the last couple of years off to do some soul searching.
- I work as an ABA therapist helping children with Autism. I love my job. I really love my job!
- I swear like a sailor. And I say inapprpriate things 85% of the time. I censor myself on facebook, but get with me outside of internet land and you will see the real me come out 🙂
- I have an obsession with Norway and Norwegian Black Metal. I love music that makes me think, which is why I cannot listen to what is playing on the radio. What can I say? I’m a music snob. On the subject of music, I also really love Baroque classical music. And lately, I have been listening to a lot of Trip Hop. It is the perfect music for boudoir 🙂
- I am extremely Type A and I am a major control freak (complete understatement). I am very particular about details, which is both a blessing and a curse.
- I am a sucker for rich and deep colors. I like sapphires, burgundies, and deep purples. If you visit my office, you will be enveloped in a world of purple.
- Much of my time on the internet is spent looking things up. I am usually looking up research studies. But history takes up a lot of my time as well.
- My husband insists that I am turning our home into a gothic house. I have to agree 🙂 I love old and intricate details. If I could have my way, my house would look like the coven home in the Underworld movie.
- I am filled with wanderlust, but I have never been out of the country.
- I am part Chamorro. My family is from the tiny island of Guam. I never thought of myself as an island girl until I moved to Hawaii.
- Most of my nights are spent at home watching movies. I love Sci Fi, Action, and Thrillers. I drool over Liam Neeson, Christan Bale, Jason Statham, Clive Owen, and of course, Gerard Butler. I love me a manly man 🙂
- I was born in Arkansas and my accent creeps out from time to time.
- We don’t have cable in our house. And I love it. Although I do miss watching Jon Stewart!
- When I edit I am usually playing shows from the BBC. Or listening to audio books. One of my favorite shows is Doctor Who 🙂
- I am a huge supporter of marriage equality and an advocate for human rights.
- Almost every night spent in Hawaii included a trip to the Coffee Gallery followed by time spent at the beach reflecting.
- I love tea. I don’t think I could live without it. And sushi. Don’t get me started on sushi. Seriously.
- When I was in middle and high school I spent a lot of time looking at photos of alternative models. At the time it was for makeup ideas. But it quickly changed into a love for alternative fashion photography.
- One of my favorite quotes is by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich “Well behaved women seldom make history.” I like to live by it.
I hope this helps you all to get to know me a bit better! I know, I know. I’m boring.
July 26, 2012
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