5 Steps To Creating Your Sensual Sanctuary: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

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I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

Day 1: Set Sensual Intentions

Take a moment and imagine that you aren’t currently #SafeAtHome.

Let your mind wander and picture a world where we can travel without worry, or where we don’t have to be stuck inside with only ourselves/partner/kids for company.

It’s nice, isn’t it?

Unfortunately those aren’t the times we are living in at this moment, BUT that doesn’t mean that we cannot carve out a little place for ourselves to feel rejuvenated and even sensually inspired.

We all need a space that we feel inspired by. 

We all need a space that is uniquely ours.

By creating a space dedicated solely to the pursuit of pleasure and sensuality we can start to work on these experiences with intention. 

This doesn’t have to be a bedroom. 

This can be a bathroom where you unwind, a backyard where you can escape to, or a nook in your home solely dedicated to YOU. 

We need a place where we can set our focus and intentions on ourselves. A place that is solely ours. A place that we hold sacred. 

Day 1 Challenge: Set Sensual Intentions

Ask yourself the following questions:

Where do I want to feel rested?

Where do I want to feel relaxed?

Where do I want to feel sexually empowered?

Once you have designated a space, I want you to sit in it and declare your intentions out loud. Yes. Out loud. 

Throw those shoulders back and hold your head up and announce your intentions for the space you have chosen.

For example: My bedroom is my sacred space. My bedroom is where I will feel relaxed and comfortable. My bedroom is where I will feel safe. My bedroom is where I will explore my body and mind. My bedroom is where I will express my sensuality and sexuality.







LeZandra McGinnis is a Norfolk, Virginia Photographer specializing in Boudoir Portraiture and Erotica Photography. LeZandra’s life motto is: Fuck What They Think! And she encourages her clients to do exactly that! She can best be described as a Metalhead, Adventurer, and Whiskey Connoisseur.

LeZandra McGinnis
Owner at LeZandra Photography

May 6, 2020

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5 Steps To Creating Your Sensual Sanctuary: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

Day 1: Set Sensual Intentions Take a moment and imagine that you aren’t currently #SafeAtHome. Let your mind wander and picture a world where we can travel without worry, or where we don’t have to be stuck inside with only ourselves/partner/kids for company. It’s nice, isn’t it? Unfortunately those aren’t the times we are living […]

5 Steps To Creating Your Sensual Sanctuary: Hampton Roads Virginia Boudoir Photographer

Day 1: Set Sensual Intentions Take a moment and imagine that you aren’t currently #SafeAtHome. Let your mind wander and picture a world where we can travel without worry, or where we don’t have to be stuck inside with only ourselves/partner/kids for company. It’s nice, isn’t it? Unfortunately those aren’t the times we are living […]



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