24: Virginia Beach Boudoir Photographer

for photographers

I'm a Boudoir Photographer located in Norfolk, VA on a mission to empower people to own their sexuality, step into their power, and embrace their authentic selves!
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Norfolk Boudoir Studio
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Hi, I'm LeZandra

Today I am another year older!

However, this year comes with a ton of celebration!

With our Grand Opening right around the corner I couldn’t help but reflect on the last few years that have brought me here.

17: I moved out of my parents house and off to Hawaii to start college!

18: I married the love of my life!

19: I started my business!

20: I graduated Cum Laude with my Bachelors in Psychology

21: We bought our first house and I started the home studio!

22: We welcomed the most amazing baby boy into this world and he continues to fill me with joy at the mere thought of him.

23: I moved into my very own commercial space and the Virginia Beach Boudoir Studio is born!!!

So to 24 I say, Bring It!

My husband will be getting out of the Navy this December, so I already know that huge changes are in store for us (especially since both of us are military brats and this crazy lifestyle is all we know!)!!! I cannot wait for all of the amazing things I know are in store for us! I am most certainly looking forward to this new journey!

Last year we did a little something special for my birthday! And I loved seeing just how many people were celebrating with me!


Happy Birthday to me!

Yes, that’s a selfie in the new studio. Don’t judge. I need new headshots for this purple hair!!!

For sessions booked today you will receive 24% off of your session fee in honor of my 24th birthday!!!

Christmas and Valentines Day are right around the corner! This is my busiest time of the year and I typically book up 4-6 weeks in advance. Please take this opportunity to reserve your session date! I really hate turning people away!

*Sessions must be completed within 6 months*

But that’s not it!!!

We are still having the raffle for the Grand Opening!

You do NOT have to be present to win! The winner will be drawn at the Grand Opening and notified!

You can view more details about the raffle HERE.

Raffle Ticket

For today only, you can buy 3 raffle tickets for just $24!!!

The raffle is already a pretty sweet deal! And it just got sweeter!

Remember, the more you buy the greater your chances are at winning!

Raffle tickets can be purchased HERE!

Shoot me an email at: lezandra@lezandraphotography.com and let’s get planning!

September 24, 2014

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24: Virginia Beach Boudoir Photographer

Today I am another year older! However, this year comes with a ton of celebration! With our Grand Opening right around the corner I couldn’t help but reflect on the last few years that have brought me here. 17: I moved out of my parents house and off to Hawaii to start college! 18: I […]

24: Virginia Beach Boudoir Photographer

Today I am another year older! However, this year comes with a ton of celebration! With our Grand Opening right around the corner I couldn’t help but reflect on the last few years that have brought me here. 17: I moved out of my parents house and off to Hawaii to start college! 18: I […]



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