Miss S has a smile that is infectious and a bubbly personality that will instantly brighten up your day!
She is a mother with one on the way (yay!!!) and wanted to have her session to restore her confidence.
As women we give. A lot. We give to our partners. We give to our jobs. We give to our families.
At the end of the day, we need to do something for ourselves.
Make yourself a priority. Make it a point to indulge. Love yourself for the woman that you are because everything you have gone through in life has brought you to this point.
Miss S serves our country, she is one amazing mama, and she brought the biggest smile to my face. Her session was filled with a ton of laughs and her images were the perfect way to celebrate a huge weight loss journey (50lbs down, woohoo!!!) and feel sexy again.
Thank you, Miss S, for sharing this experience with me!
February 11, 2015
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