I adore this woman.
When Miss M had her session she was in the middle of defending her dissertation, planning a wedding, and working for a non-profit.
I am happy to say that she is now Dr. M, married to an incredible partner (they are so perfect for each other!), and she is a professor at a University in Ohio.
I first met Miss M five years ago. She was amazing then, and she is amazing now. To say she is strong and confident would be an understatement. She is a badass intersectional vegan crossfitter and smasher of the patriarchy. She takes no shit and loves so deeply.
If I could clone Miss M a million times, I would do so.
I LOVE when I have clients that I can truly speak my mind with and I love being able to do so with her.
Miss M, thank you for being you.
Can I also add, hell yes for bringing the most amazing outfits. Agent Provocateur and Christian Louboutin make my heart happy.
September 12, 2016
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